My Main Goals

My main goals in life are:
to share my love of movies with the world
to spread my obsession
to save every homeless animal
to meet Josh Hutcherson
to meet Ellen DeGeneres(my favorite talk show host)
to see every new movie in theaters or on DVD
to watch, to enjoy, and to be happy

I am determined to make my dreams come true, no matter what.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Red Dawn(2012)

I just saw Red Dawn at the Renton,WA $3.50 theater. Basically, it is about a group of Spokane,WA teenagers who begin to start a rebellion after the North Koreans invade their town. It is a remake of the original Red Dawn that was released in 1984. I loved the movie, even though most people didn't. I probably loved it so much because it had Josh Hutcherson in it. Honestly, Josh Hutcherson could make a 3 hour movie about him opening cans of tuna and I would give it a 5 star rating. I don't even like tuna. Yet, there was one thing I didn't like about the was the people sitting behind us. These people literally waited until the movie started to open their bags of chips and start munching, really loudly. Plus, their child would obnoxiously state the obvious throughout the ENTIRE movie. It was painful, actually. Overall, the movie was great but the theater experience was bad. Hey, at least I only paid $3.50 to get in! If you saw the 1st movie as a teenager, you might not like the new one. But if you are a teen now and you see the new Red Dawn now, you probably will enjoy it. So watch, enjoy, and be happy!

Rate: 9 out of 10

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