My Main Goals

My main goals in life are:
to share my love of movies with the world
to spread my obsession
to save every homeless animal
to meet Josh Hutcherson
to meet Ellen DeGeneres(my favorite talk show host)
to see every new movie in theaters or on DVD
to watch, to enjoy, and to be happy

I am determined to make my dreams come true, no matter what.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Lucky One - Girls' Weekend Movie #2

The second movie we watched at our Girls' Weekend  was The Lucky One (there seems to be a Nicholas Sparks theme). The Lucky One is about U.S Marine Logan Thibault, played by adorable Zac Efron, who finds a picture while in combat, that saves his life multiple times. He survives 3 tours in Iraq, and feels that he owes the girl in the picture thanks for being his lucky charm. He walks from Colorado to Hamden , Louisiana( though it's Hampton, NC in the book) to find the girl, after he finds out that the lighthouse the girl is standing in front of is in Hamden. He finally finds the girl, named Beth Green, who has a son, and a crazy ex-husband. The rest of the story is about Logan and Beth's developing love, Beth's creepy Ex, and Logan's trouble telling Beth about why he is really in Hamden. The Lucky One is the only Nicholas Sparks story that won't have you crying, which is good. It is a little too new to be on channels like ABC Family, but it is on HBO. You can also rent it at Red Box, like I did. It's one of my favorite movies, and it's a bonus that Zac Efron is in it! So Watch, Enjoy, and Be Happy
Rate: 10 out of 10! Once you go Zac, you never go back

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